Software We Suggest

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List of links where you can download some great (mostly) open-source and free software.

We maintain this list to make it easier for you to download the open source tool we test use and recommend for your requirement. so that  without searching the internet and potentially finding in equivalent software or malware. We try to share best free or open-source software we used for ourselves here and believe  that also help in your requirements to. below we provide a link to the official website to download the featured software.


7-Zip is a free and open source file archiver. 7-Zip supports multiple archive formats including a custom .7z format that offers high file compression. 7-Zip can unpack even more archive formats, including virtual hard disks and disk images.


Libre Office

LibreOffice is a feature rich open source office suite developed by The Document Foundation. LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice with increased file compatibility and features. It offers many similar features to Microsoft Office at no cost. LibreOffice has support for Microsoft Office and Open Document Type file formats.


Mozilla Firefox

If Google Chrome isn’t an option, Mozilla Firefox is a tried and true trusted internet browser. With extension support and speed in mind, Firefox is a worthy contender to Chrome. That it why it is a runner-up for our internet browser recommendation.



WinDirStat is a free and open source tool used to view which directories are taking up the most space on your computer. It has support for multiple disks and partitions. WinDirStat provides you with a list of the percentage of used space broken down by directory and a tree map for a visual representation of your files.



WinSCP is a free and open source FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, and SCP client for Windows. WinSCP makes managing files over FTP connections easy and painless.

Ninite Tools

Ninite is a package management system offering that enables users automatically install popular applications for their Windows operating system. It enables users to make a selection from a list of applications and bundles the selection into a single installer package.


Duplicati is a backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed remote backups of local files on cloud storage services and remote file servers. Duplicati supports not only various online backup services like OneDrive,[1] Amazon S3, Backblaze, Rackspace Cloud Files, Tahoe LAFS, and Google Drive, but also any servers that support SSH/SFTP, WebDAV, or FTP.



VLC media player is a free and open-source portable cross-platform media player software and streaming media server developed by the VideoLAN project. VLC is available for desktop operating systems and mobile platforms, such as Android, iOS, iPadOS, Tizen, Windows 10 Mobile and Windows Phone.


Invoice Ninja

The leading free open-source online invoicing app for freelancers & businesses. Invoice, accept payments, track expenses, create proposals, & time-tasks.